Thank you so much for checking out my blog. I intend to use this blog for the next four months as I train to run the 2011 Austin Marathon for Team LIVESTRONG in order to assist their efforts in raising funds and awareness as they "fight to improve the lives of people affected by cancer". I am so grateful for this opportunity as my life (& yours too, I'm sure) has been affected by this disease. In 1989, I lost my Grandpa Al to liver cancer and in 2007, I lost my Grandma N to breast cancer. I am training and running in their memory & pray they are watching over me and are proud of what I am doing. I am also running in honor of Matt, who is my cousin Christina's boyfriend. Matt has been a part of Christina's life and a part of our family for ten years now and we love and support him dearly. In 2009, Matt fought lymphoma and he kicked it's BUTT! We are so grateful for his strong fight and healthy recovery.
So, that's why I'm doing this...for Grandpa Al, for Grandma N, for Matt and for YOU and your loved ones who have fought or are currently fighting cancer.
I plan to post my training updates, motivational pictures and information, fundraising opportunities....anything and everything I can find that's related to raising awareness (& funds) for the LIVESTRONG foundation & the fight against cancer.
Don't get me wrong, I know my efforts will be minimal compared to the likes of large companies and Lance Armstrong, but I DO know that this is a cause that is near and dear to my heart and I am humbled and honored to do what I can to help.
Please follow my blog, I am thankful for any kind of support you can give...prayers, good karma, financial donations, advice, encouragement...it's all very much needed and very much appreciated.
My fundraising webpage can be found here: http://runaustin.livestrong.org/marathon2011/kerithstanton . A printable donation form is also available on the page if you prefer not to donate online. Please put my participant ID (262106240) in the memo if you do decide to send a check to the foundation. Donations are due February 11, 2011.
With a hopeful heart,

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