First and foremost, it is important for me to focus on WHY I am doing this. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I am running in memory and honor of my loved ones who have fought cancer. But I also want to make this about YOU and your loved ones who have fought as well. If you feel comfortable sending me the name (& a photo if you'd like) of someone (or many someones) in your life who I can run in memory or honor of, please send those to me via email (kerith.stanton@gmail.com). If you'd like, tell me about them...who they are & what they mean to you - that stuff is so important and if you'd like to share that with me I'd be truly honored.
The more names the better! In addition to praying for your loved ones and thinking of them during my training (trust me...four hours of running - I'll have PLENTY of time to think of them!) I'd like to be able to include the names in a future blog post and also would like to post them on a board to take with me to fundraising events. I think it's so important to have those specific names so that people are aware that this disease affects us ALL.
I'm so excited to be part of something that is "bigger than me"...thank you for your support in doing this.
This is such a good idea - both for training and for a blog! Cancer has touched the lives of many of my friends and family members. So, I'll send 'em your way to cheer and pray for you as you train. :)